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TECHNION - Central academic district

The universities are being challenged. Learning forms and subject boundaries are changing. New demands for sustainability and flexible building structures have emerged. And we are currently witnessing a different interplay between education, research and the surrounding world. This all combines to make it essential for universities to constantly rethink themselves.

The Danish university (2009) Campus and study environment - physical framework for universities of the future, Denmark

Defining the layers of grid systems that supports the combination of different programs in the same domain while maintaining a functioning academic experience intertwined with a vibrant city life.

The proposed circulation system is consisted of two intertwined layers. One is the streets and roads that is adjusted to fit the topography and the different urban layouts, the second is the academic system, set to achieve fast and efficient connections between faculties and learning spaces. The entrance halls, stairways and elevators serve as connections between the two systems, allowing the interaction between academy and general public while providing separation where it’s needed.

The themes raised in this proposal (city, academia, research and experimentation, architectural heritage and progressive development), together with correcting the historical injustices of its disconnect from the city, will fulfill The Technion's objectives as a leading institute for research and learning. An academic system integrated with vibrant city life will allow for encounters between the public and academics; encouraging openness and mutual learning. Over time, this strategy, developed according to needs and circumstances, will ensure a sustainable future that makes sensible use of its natural and human resources for the benefit of the entire metropolitan area.

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